Training for Ibama GIS technical staff in Amazon states was held.


On November 27 and December 1, a two-day training was held for GIS technical staff from

Ibama in the states of the Amazon. The training introduced the project and covered ArcGIS, which Cenima is currently promoting to use. There were 12 participants from Ibama branches in 10 states located in the Legal Amazon. The first day, we did an introduction to the project, details about the data created by the project and its mechanisms, and an introduction to Pamgia, which Cenima is promoting to use as ArcGIS based system. Additionally, a demonstration flight of the fixed-wing drone used in the project was conducted. On the second day, a hands-on session was held using ArcGIS to create mobile maps that can be used in the field. In a questionnaire to the participants, we received feedback that they would like to have another opportunity with this type of training, so we are considering visiting the state of Amazon for future training sessions.